Planning the future of Kehl University of Applied Sciences
CHE Consult supported the Kehl University of Applied Sciences in the preparation of its Structure and Development Plan 2023 – 2027. The main focus of the content-related and strategic consulting was on the areas of teaching, research and continuing education.
In an extensive and participatory process, Kehl University of Applied Sciences developed the essential content for its new Structure and Development Plan. Initially, four working groups on the topics of education & equality, digitalization & innovation, internationalization & sustainability/climate protection, and changing values & demographics prepared SWOT analyses for Kehl University of Applied Sciences. In three cross-status “ThinkTanks”, these were then discussed with reference to the areas of teaching, research and continuing education, and translated into fields of action and measures.
Julia Klingemann, Principal Consultant at CHE Consult, prepared, moderated and documented the exchanges. Based on this, it was possible to work out focal points for the duration of the new plan.
In particular, the range of study programs offered is to be expanded and made more flexible and international. In addition, it is planned to strengthen the areas of research and transfer. A wider range of academic, modular continuing education courses is to be offered to meet the growing demand for skilled workers among administrations at the municipal and (supra-)regional level.
All discussions focused on topics such as digitization and internationalization, as well as the question of how the performance of administrations can be ensured in the future in view of demographic change. In particular, the focus was on horizontal, cross-departmental dovetailing of administrations to meet the challenges facing society.
The participatory process was concluded with a major event in Kehl. Here, a World Café for university members and a panel discussion with representatives of the state and the municipalities took place.
In this context, Professor Beck, Rector of the Kehl University of Applied Sciences, said: “As good or bad as we research and train, as good or bad will the administration function later. Our strategy thus contributes to securing the future performance of municipal, local and state administrations. I am very grateful for the professional, expert support and moderation of our participation process by Julia Klingemann of CHE Consult. The results produced in the process form a solid basis for the Structural and Development Plan 2023 – 2027.”